2022 BUDGET ??

December Treasurer’s Report

Business Checking Account
Balance on 11/30/2021 was $3,807.59. There were no deposits. There were two withdrawals: (Washington County Archives $1,000.00 and Johnson City Public Library $1,000.00) totaling $2,000.00. A dividend of $0.27 was issued on 12/31/2021. Ending balance was $1,807.86.
Business Primary Share
Beginning balance was $2,917.31. There was no activity and a dividend of $0.74 was issued on 12/31/2021. Ending balance was $2,918.05
Certificate Balances
Cert #8738—Beginning balance was $1,172.57. A dividend of $0.65 was issued on 12/31/2021. Ending balance was $1,173.22.
Cert. #8051—Beginning balance was $1,242.69. A credit dividend of $0.69 was issued on 12/31/2021. Ending balance was $1,243.38.
Cert. #8083—Beginning balance was $1,212.58. A dividend of $1.33 was issued on 12/31/2021. Ending balance was $1,213.91.

Balance on 11/30/2021 was $0.00. There were 14 renewals @ $18.00. A service fee of $1.12 per membership was levied ($15.68). Ending balance was $236.32.

Treasurer’s Report
January 31, 2022

Business Checking Account
Balance on 12/31/2021 was $1,807.86. There was one deposit of $253.00. There were no withdrawals. A dividend of $0.16 was issued on 01/31/2022. Ending balance was $2,061.02.
Business Primary Share
Beginning balance on 12/31/2021 was $2,918.05. An extraordinary dividend of $5.70 was issued on 01/24/2022 and a credit dividend of $0.74 was issued on 01/31/2022. Ending balance was $2,924.49.

Certificate Balances
Cert #8738—Beginning balance was $1,173.38. A dividend of $0.65 was issued on 01/31/2022. Ending balance was $1,173.87.
Cert. #8051—Beginning balance was $1,243.38. A credit dividend of $0.69 was issued on 01/31/2022. Ending balance was $1,244.07.
Cert. #8083—Beginning balance was $1,213.91. A dividend of $1.33 was issued on 01/31/2022. Ending balance was $1,215.24.

Balance on 12/31/2021 was $236.32. There were 08 renewals @ $18.00 (144.00). A service fee of $1.12 per membership was levied ($8.96). Ending balance was $371.36.

Treasurer’s Report
February 28,2022

Business Checking Account
Balance on 01/31/2022 was $2,061.02. There was one deposit of $186.00. There were no withdrawals. A dividend of $0.17 was issued on 02/28/2022. Ending balance was $2,247.19.
Business Primary Share
Beginning balance on 01/31/2022 was $2,924.49. A credit dividend of $0.67 was issued on 02/28/2022. Ending balance was $2,925.16.

Certificate Balances
Cert #8738—Beginning balance was $1,173.87. A dividend of $0.0.48 was issued on 02/23/2022. A second dividend of $0.10 was issued on 2/28/2022. Ending balance was $1,174.45.
Cert. #8051—Beginning balance was $1,244.07. A credit dividend of $0.62 was issued on 02/28/2022. Ending balance was $1,244.69.
Cert. #8083—Beginning balance was $1,215.24. A dividend of $1.20 was issued on 02/28/2022. Ending balance was $1,216.44.

Balance on 01/31/2022 was $371.36. There were 05 renewals @ $18.00 ($90.00). A service fee of $1.12 per membership was levied ($5.60). Ending balance was $473.13.

Treasurer’s Report
March 31, 2022

Business Checking Account
Balance on 02/28/2022 was $2,247.19. There was one deposit of $140.00. There were no withdrawals. A dividend of $0.20 was issued on 03/31/2022. Ending balance was $2,387.39.
Business Primary Share
Beginning balance on 02/28/2022 was $2,925.16. A credit dividend of $0.75 was issued on 03/31/2022. Ending balance was $2,925.91.

Certificate Balances
Cert #8738—Beginning balance was $1,174.45. A dividend of $0.65 was issued on 03/31/2022. Ending balance was $1,175.10.
Cert. #8051—Beginning balance was $1,244.69. A credit dividend of $0.69 was issued on 03/31`/2022. Ending balance was $1,245.38.
Cert. #8083—Beginning balance was $1,216.44. A dividend of $1.33 was issued on 03/31/2022. Ending balance was $1,217.77.

Balance on 02/28/2022 was $473.13. There were 03 renewals @ $18.00 ($54.00). A service fee of $1.12 per membership was levied ($3.36.). Ending balance on 03/31/22 was $505.77.

Treasurer’s Report
April 30, 2022

Business Checking Account
Balance on 03/31/2022 was $2,37.39. There was one deposit of $36.00. There were no withdrawals. A dividend of $0.20 was issued on 04/30/2022. Ending balance was $2,423.59.
Business Primary Share
Beginning balance on 03/31/2022 was $2,925.91. A credit dividend of $0.72 was issued on 04/30/2022. Ending balance was $2,926.63.

Certificate Balances
Cert #8738—Beginning balance was $1,175.10. A dividend of $0.63 was issued on 04/30/2022. Ending balance was $1,175.73.
Cert. #8051—Beginning balance was $1,245.38. A credit dividend of $0.67 was issued on 04/30/2022. Ending balance was $1,246.05.
Cert. #8083—Beginning balance was $1,217.77. A dividend of $1.29 was issued on 04/30/2022. Ending balance was $1,219.06.

Balance on 04/30/2022 was $505.77. There was 01 renewal @ $18.00. A service fee of $1.12 per membership was levied. Ending balance on 04/30/22 was $522.65.

Treasurer’s Report
May 31, 2022

Business Checking Account
Balance on 4/30/2022 was $2,423.59. A deposit of $239.00 was made on 05/06/22 and a dividend of $0.22 was deposited on 05/31/2022. Ending balance was $2,662.81.

Business Primary Share
Balance on 04/31/2022 was $2.926.63. There were no deposits. A dividend of $0.75 was given on 05/31/2022. Ending balance was $2, 927.38.

Certificate 78051
Starting balance was $1,246.05. A dividend of $0.69 was paid on 5/31/2022. Ending balance was $1,246.74.

Certificate 38738
Beginning balance was$1,175.73. A dividend of $0.65 was paid on 05/31/2022. Ending balance was $1,176.38.

Certificate 48083
Beginning balance was $1,219.06. A dividend of $0.22 was issued on 05/06/2022. A second dividend of $0. 61 was issued on 05/31/2022. Ending balance of $1,219.89.

Beginning balance was $522.65. There was one new member/renewal at $18.00. Ending balance, minus fee of $1.12, was $519.20 on 05/31/2022.

Treasurer’s Report
June 30, 2022

Business Checking Account
Balance on 05/31/2022 was $2,680.81. There was one deposit of $18.00. There were 4 withdrawals:
National Genealogy Society-$85.00; Harland Check Co. (New check stamp) $60.90; ETSU Foundation-$100.00; David Crockett State Park-$100.00. A dividend of $0.21 was issued on 06/30/2022. Ending balance was $2,335.12.
Business Primary Share
Beginning balance on 05/31/2022 was $2,927.38.. A credit dividend of $0.72 was issued on 06/30/2022. Ending balance was $2,928.10.

Certificate Balances
Cert #8738—Beginning balance was $1,176.38. A dividend of $0.63 was issued on 06/30/2022. Ending balance was $1,177.01.
Cert. #8051—Beginning balance was $1,246.74. A credit dividend of $0.67 was issued on 06/30/2022. Ending balance was $1,247.41.
Cert. #8083—Beginning balance was $1,219.28. A dividend of $.70 was issued on 06/30/2022. Ending balance was $1,220.59.

Balance on 05/31/2022 was $539.53. There were 02 renewals. A payment of $49.95 was made on June 30, 2022. Ending balance on 06/30/2022 was $523.34.

Treasurer’s Report
July 31, 2022

Business Checking Account
Balance on 06/30/2022 was $2,335.12. There was one deposit of $105.00. There were no withdrawals. A dividend of $0.20 was issued on 07/27/2022. Ending balance was $2,440.32.
Business Primary Share
Beginning balance on 06/30/2022 was $2,928.10. A credit dividend of $0.75 was issued on 07/29/2022. Ending balance was $2,928.85.

Certificate Balances
Cert. #8051—Beginning balance was $1,247.41. A credit dividend of $0.69 was issued on 07/29/2022. Ending balance was $1,248.10.
Cert. #8738—Beginning balance was $1,177.01. A dividend of $0.65 was issued on 07/29/2022. Ending balance was $1,177.66.
Cert. #8083—Beginning balance was $1,220.59. A dividend of $.73 was issued on 07/29/2022. Ending balance was $1,221.32.

Balance on 06/30/2022 was $523.34. There was 01 renewal of $18.00. A refund of $49.95, Genealogy Gems, was made on July 06, 2022. Ending balance on 07/31/2022 was $589.05.

Treasurer’s Report
August 31, 2022

Accounts total: $8,681.64

Business Checking Account
Balance on 07/31/2022 was $2,440.32. There were two deposits totaling $132.00. Withdrawals were as follows: Wanda Manning – $105.63; USPS – $364.00. A dividend of $0.20 was issued on 08/31/2022. Ending balance was $2,102.89.
Business Primary Share
Beginning balance on 07/31/2022 was $2,928.85. A credit dividend of $0.75 was issued on 08/31/2022. Ending balance was $2,929.60.

Certificate Balances
Cert. #8051—Beginning balance was $1,248.10. A credit dividend of $0.69 was issued on 08/31/2022. Ending balance was $1,248.79.
Cert. #8738—Beginning balance was $1,177.66. A dividend of $0.65 was issued on 08/31/2022. Ending balance was $1,178.31.
Cert. #8083—Beginning balance was $1,221.32. A dividend of $.73 was issued on 08/31/2022. Ending balance was $1,222.05.

Balance on 07/31/2022 was $589.05. There was 01 renewal of $18.00. Ending balance on 08/31/2022 was $623.93*

*Denotes discrepancy.

Treasurer’s Report
September 30, 2022

Accounts total: $8,684.53

Business Checking Account
Balance on 08/31/2022 was $2,102.89. There was no activity during the month. A dividend of $0.17 was issued on 09/30/2022. Ending balance was $2,103.06.
Business Primary Share
Beginning balance on 08/31/2022 was $2,929.60. A credit dividend of $0.72 was issued on 09/30/2022. Ending balance was $2,930.32.

Certificate Balances
Cert. #8051—Beginning balance was $1,248.79. A credit dividend of $0.67 was issued on 09/30/2022. Ending balance was $1,249.46.

Cert. #8738—Beginning balance was $1,178.31. A dividend of $0.63 was issued on 09/30/2022. Ending balance was $1,178.94.
Cert. #8083—Beginning balance was $1,222.05. A dividend of $.70 was issued on 09/30/2022. Ending balance was $1,222.75.

Balance on 08/31/2022 was $623.93. There was 01 renewal of $18.00. Ending balance on 09/30/2022 was $641.93.

Treasurer’s Report
October 31, 2022

Accounts total: $8,897.89

Business Checking Account
Balance on 09/30/2022 was $2,103.06. The activity was as follows:
10/03 – PayPal transfer $641.93 10/17 – PayPal payment to J. Hallock $120.00
10/17 – PayPal payment to GoDaddy $311.60 10/31 – Credit Dividend $ 0.21
Ending balance was $2,313.60.
Business Primary Share
Beginning balance on 09/30/2022 was $2,930.32. A credit dividend of $0.75 was issued on 10/31/2022. Ending balance was $2,931.07.

Certificate Balances
Cert. #8051—Beginning balance was $1,249.46. A credit dividend of $0.69 was issued on 10/31/2022. Ending balance was $1,250.15.

Cert. #8738—Beginning balance was $1,178.94. A dividend of $0.65 was issued on 10/31/2022. Ending balance was $1,179.59.
Cert. #8083—Beginning balance was $1,222.75. A dividend of $.73 was issued on 10/31/2022. Ending balance was $1,223.48.

Balance on 09/30/2022 was $641.93. This balance was transferred to ECU on 10/03/22. There was 01 renewal of $18.00. Ending balance on 10/31/2022 was 17.88.